Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sky Blue

I had a weird experience some weeks ago and this experience kind of keep popping up in my head. I met this old lady in the train who was a bit crazy, you know talking to her self and so on. The strange thing was that she was actually dressed really cool, Henrik Vibskov style. She tolled me about her budgerigar birds, and told me how much she enjoyed their company, all the sounds they made in her living room made her happy. Then she told me the name of one of her budgerigar birds - it was Sky Blue. She was really a special character, and this bird Sky Blue has in a strange way got my attention.    

Remember giveaway on monday October 18th 


  1. Tusinde tak for sidst...det var rigtig hyggeligt...

    Skøn cool dame...Jeg har haft 3 undulater
    En gammel; "Birdy" som jeg fik af en ældre Pølsemand efter hans kone gik bort...den kunne dælme ikke flyve...kun gå rundt på gulvet...sige sit navn + lægge æg!!... hihi...Så små og fine...
    Så var der Sylvester og Sky (fordi den havde den smukkeste blå farve)...
    Men, han var bims den lille stakkel...
