Thursday, September 1, 2011

Design Award

It is the Design week in Copenhagen, and I am nominated for a Design Award 2011 from the danish Magazine BoligMagasinet and tonight it is the Award evening, I hope for the best and just enjoy an evening in good company with the danish magazine "Bolig Magasinet" and all the other designers who will show up for this evening. 


  1. Tusind tak lea, alt support modtages med kyshånd: )
    september hilsner Lisa

  2. Hep hep hep hvis du ikke er en sikker vinder, ja så har dommerne ikke forstået ordentligt kunst og håndværk!

  3. A big thank you for great support, I did not win the award, but I had a great evening talking to people, drinking cocktails and kissing with my love Denis.
